Almathera Ten Pack 3: CDPD 3
Almathera Ten on Ten - Disc 3: CDPD3.iso
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IFFP Modules - July 1992
version 37.10
Special notes regarding the 37.10 release:
The following files have changed:
- modules/getdisplay.c modules/loadilbm.c modules/saveilbm.c
now all use scr->RastPort.BitMap instead of &scr->BitMap
for future compatibility
- apps/24BitDemo/24BitDemo.c
now uses scr->RastPort.BitMap instead of &scr->BitMap
for future compatibility
- apps/Play8SVX/Play8SVX.c
nows screens for unknown compression types
changed "clock" variable name to "tclock" (Manx seems to have
it own "clock" variable ?)
- apps/(all) - recompiled with new modules, versions bumped to 37.10
- modules/(many) - some D(bug()) lines added or changed
- iffp/ftxt.h added
NOTE - the "PlaySMUS.c" is just the beginnings of a SMUS reader -
not yet a player.
Special notes regarding the 37.9 release:
- All examples and modules which use Intuition #defines
have been modified to force the use of (and use) the
new prefixed Intuition labels for these #defines.
- ilbmw.c was modified to deal with source bitmaps which
have larger bytes-per-row than normal.
Special notes regarding the previous 37.8 release:
- the screen.c module now checks to see if the opened
screen is a public screen, and if so, sets the screen's
status to public before opening a window on it.
- the screen and display closing routines now return
success or failure so that public screen openers
can check to make sure that they were able to
close their display.
- all iffp module strings and message routines have
now been centralized in a new module iffpstrings.c.
This will facilitate internationalization.
These iffparse.library code modules and examples are designed as
replacements for the original EA IFF code. In some modules, it has
been possible to retain much of the original code. However, most
structures and most higher level function interfaces have changed.
On the plus side, these new modules contain many new high-level
easy-to-use functions for querying, loading, displaying, and saving
ILBMs. During their development, modules similar to these have been
used inhouse at Commodore for the 2.0 Display program and several other
ILBM applications. The screen.c module provides powerful display-opening
functions which are 1.3-compatible yet provide a host of new options under
2.0 such as centered overscan screens, full-video display clips, border
transparency control, and autoscroll. New modules have been added for
printing (screendump) and for preserving/adding chunks (copychunks).
And the 8SVX example now actually plays samples and instruments.
In addition, clipboard support is automatic for all applications that
use the IFFP modules because parse.c's openifile() interprets the
filename -c[n] (ie. "-c", "-c1", "-c2", etc.) as clipboard unit n.
All of the applications presented here require iffparse.library which
is distributed on Workbench 2.0. Please note that iffparse.library is
a 1.3-compatible library, and that all of these modules and examples
have been designed to take advantage of 2.0, but also work under 1.3.
Developers who wish to distribute iffparse.library on their commercial
products may execute a 2.0 Workbench license, or may get an addendum to
their 1.3 Workbench license to allow distribution of iffparse.library.
It was not necessary to port the gio IO speedup code since iffparse
can use your compiler's own buffered IO routines through the callback
stdio_stream() in parse.c. Depending on your application, you may want
to add your own additional buffering to this stdio_stream() code.
Most of the high-level function pairs provided in these modules have
been designed to provide safe cleanup for themselves. For example,
a loadbrush() that succeeds or fails at any point can be cleaned up
via unloadbrush. The cleanup routines null out the appropriate
pointers so that allocations will not be freed twice.
All applications are built upon the parse.c module. The basic concept
of using the parse.c module are:
- Define tag-like arrays of your desired chunks (readers only)
- Allocates one or more [form]Info structures as defined in
iffp/[form]app.h (for example an ILBMInfo defined in
- Initialize the ParseInfo part of these structures to the desired
chunk arrays, and to an IFFHandle allocated via iffparse
- Use the provided high level load/save functions, or use the
lower level parse.c openifile(), reader-only parseifile()/
getcontext()/nextcontext(), and closeifile(). The filename
-c[n] may be used to read/write clipboard unit n.
- Clean up, FreeIFF(), and deallocate [form]Info's.
IMPORTANT NOTES - Most of the higher-level load functions keep the
IFFHandle (file or clipboard) open. While the handle is
open, you may use parse.c functions (such as findpropdata)
OR direct iffparse functions (FindProp(), FindCollection())
for accessing the gathered chunks. However, it is not a good
idea to keep a filehandle OR the clipboard open. While
a clipboard unit is open, no other applications can clip
to the unit. And while a file is open, you can't write the
file back out. So, instead of keeping the file or unit
open, you can use copychunks (in copychunks.c) to create
a copy of your gathered chunks, and do an early closeifile()
(parse.c). Then access and later write back out (if you wish)
and deallocate your copied chunks via the routines in the
copychunks module (findchunk, writechunklist, freechunklist).
Regarding Complex FORMs - The parse.c module will enter complex
formats such as CATSs, LISTs, and nested FORMs to find the FORM
that you are interested in. This is great. However, if you are
a read-modify-write program, you should warn your user when this
occurs unless YOU are capable of recreating the complex format.
Otherwise, your user may unknowingly destroy his complex file
by writing over it with your program. Example - a paint
program could read an ILBM out of a complex LIST containing
pictures and music, and then save it back out as a simple ILBM,
causing the user to lose his music and other pictures.
To determine if a complex form was entered after a load,
check the (form)Info.ParseInfo.hunt field. If TRUE (non-zero),
then your file was found inside a complex format.
These modules and examples have been compiled using SAS C 5.10a
and Manx C 5.0d, with 2.0 (37.1) include files and 2.0 amiga.lib.
You must have at least 37.1 alib_protos.h (older versions of
this include file contained the amiga.lib stdio protos also
which conflict with both SAS and Manx stdio). For Manx, I
also had to comment out the conditional definition of abs() in
libraries/mathffp.h. These modules do not use mathffp, but
the mathffp include file is pulled in by alib_protos.h.
When compiling with Manx, a warning seems to be generated for
each string constant assigned to a UBYTE * field, and also
by some references to ilbm->colortable.
NOTE - Some useful functions are listed with each module
See module source code for docs on each function.
APPLICATIONS (these require linkage with modules - see Makefiles)
ILBMDemo Displays an ILBM, loads a brush, saves an ILBM, opt. print
ILBMLoad Queries an ILBM and loads it into an existing screen
ILBMtoC Outputs an ILBM as C source code
ILBMtoRaw Converts an ILBM to raw plane/color file
RawtoILBM Converts raw plane/color file (from ILBMtoRaw) to an ILBM
24bitDemo Saves a simple 24-bit ILBM and then shows it 4 planes at
a time (if given filename, just does the show part)
Play8SVX Reads and plays an 8SVX sound effect or instrument
- LoadSample, UnloadSample, PlaySample, OpenAudio,
CloseAudio, and body load/unpack functions
ScreenSave Save the front screen as an ILBM, with an icon
OTHER EXAMPLES (use iffparse.library directly and require no modules)
Sift Checks and prints outline of any IFF file (uses RAWSTEP)
ILBMScan Prints out useful info about any ILBM
ClipFTXT Demonstrates simply clipping of FTXT to/from clipboard
apack.asm Dr. Gerald Hull's assembler replacement for packer.c
parse.c File/clipboard IO and general parsing
- openifile, closeifile, parseifile, getcontext,
nextcontext, contextis, currentchunkis, PutCk chunk
writing function, and IFFerr text error routine
iffpstrings.c Centralized string and message handling for modules.
loadilbm.c High level ILBM load routines which are passed filenames
(calls getbitmap)
- loadbrush/unloadbrush, loadilbm/unloadilbm, and queryilbm
getbitmap.c brush/bitmap loading (non-display, calls ilbmr.c)
- createbrush/deletebrush, getbitmap/freebitmap
getdisplay.c bitmap load/display (calls screen.c, ilbmr.c)
- showilbm/unshowilbm, createdisplay/deletedisplay
screen.c 1.3/2.0 ECS/non-ECS compatible screen/window module
- opendisplay, openidscreen, modefallback, clipit
ilbmr.c Lower level ILBM body/color load routines (calls unpacker.c)
- loadbody, loadcmap, getcolors/freecolors,
alloccolortable, getcamg (gets or creates modeid)
unpacker.c BODY unpacker
saveilbm.c High level ILBM saving routines which are passed filenames
(calls ilbmw.c)
- screensave and saveilbm
ilbmw.c Lower level ILBM body/color save routines (calls packer.c)
packer.c BODY packer
copychunks.c Chunk cloning and chunk list writing routines
- copychunks, findchunk, writechunklist, freechunklist
screendump.c Screen printing module (iffparse not required)
bmprintc.c Module to output ILBM as C code
iffp/#?.h This subdirectory may be kept in your current directory
or in your main include directory.
Thanks to Steve Walton for his code changes for Manx/SAS compatibility,
and to Bill Barton and John Bittner for their comments and suggestions.